Home > Real Estate Tips > Top 5 Reasons To Refinance Using Hard Money

Top 5 Reasons To Refinance Using Hard Money

top5If you have good equity in your home, you can potentially refinance.  Below are the top 5 reasons one would refinance using hard money, also known as alternative financing:

  1. Remodel your property
  2. Buy an investment property
  3. Consolidate debt
  4. Get ready for the Holidays
  5. Finance kids education

Refinancing one’s home doesn’t only reduce stress it has the added value of increasing your income tax deductions.  The money you were paying out for those non-deductible expenses is now being applied to a tax deductible expense!

We are a local, family owned & operated company who is ready to assist you with your refinance. Call us with your scenarios at 707-523-2099!


“The Guy In The White Hat – Your Hard Money Lender”. Broker and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate, family owned and operated in Sonoma County California since 1988.