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Loan of the Week – Get Approved When Others Say No!

Loan of the Week – Get Approved When Others Say No!

Loan Approval DESPITE Others Turning You Down! 

Are you or your client fed up because the home loan approval process is taking way too long?  Or, that needed refinance is being turned down by an Underwriter/Another lending institution?

Going into our 3rd decade as a family business, we can rapidly provide loan approval with our Hard Money programs!

Despite low FICO, self-employed with difficult to prove income or some other reason you or a client is being turned down, we can still help!  Being in business over 32 years has allowed us help thousands of individual borrowers. – just as we did for the below homeowners:

Loan of the Week

A couple in Alameda County was facing foreclosure and sought our help to save their home.  The wife wasn’t working but the husband was self-employed with good, consistent income.  Unfortunately, they were having difficulty getting their current home loan refinanced despite visiting multiple other lenders.

Despite these circumstances that others were turning them away for, we were able to create a happy ending for them with one of our short-term Hard Money programs.  In just under 3 weeks, the refinance was complete for $682,000 with an LTV of 63% and the homeowners were happily underway repairing their credit!

It always makes us smile when we can help save a client’s home, something we have done hundreds of times over the past 32 years that we have been business.  Call us at 707-523-2099 with any questions or scenarios.  We’d be happy to help you or a client today too.

“The Guy In The White Hat – Your Hard Money Lender”. Broker and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate, family owned and operated in Sonoma County California since 1988.