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Making Waves With The Guys In The White Hats – Fast Home Loans

Waterskiing copy We continue to “make waves” by approving and funding loans FAST! After 35 years of Private Lending, we’re pretty much experts at providing you with FAST loans, just as we did below:

We continue to “make waves” by approving and funding loans FAST! After 35 years of Private Lending, we’re pretty much experts at providing you with FAST loans, just as we did below:

Recently Funded

Program: Primary Residence Bridge Purchase
Loan Size: $714,000
Location: San Diego County
Why Came To Us: Borrower needed quick financing to keep his purchase from falling out of Escrow, after being turned down at the last minute due credit issues.


Program: Investment Property Purchase
Loan Size: $2,300,000
Location: Santa Clara County
Why Came To Us: Borrower had bankruptcy on record but didn’t want to miss out on this great property as an investment opportunity.


Program: Primary Residence Bridge Financing
Loan Size: $815,000
Location: Los Angeles County
Why Came To Us: Borrowers debt to income ratios too high for multiple mortgages but they had great equity in their current home, to get the needed cash to buy their new home before they moved out & sold their current house.

Let’s make some waves by getting your loan funded –  and fast!  Give us a call at 707-523-2099 or visit our website at www.sunpacificmortgage.com with any questions or scenarios and we’ll quickly answer with what we can do to help.

Loan Originator and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage. Family owned and operated since 1988!