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Heroes Among Us

Heroes Among Us – Production Is The Basis Of Moralejpeg ● To the many men and women firefighters and police from multiple counties as well as armed forces who have come to Sonoma County to selflessly help fight these wildfires.

We are back at work full time to help get the job done.  We know that getting back to work and producing makes one feel better.  Must admit, this has all been difficult!  We were struck by tragedy, (Broker-top producer and Loan Originator -head of Marketing lost their home to the fire).  Nothing was open for business and then we were evacuated from our home.  We needed some Heroes!
Here are some of our personal heroes who helped us get it together:

● To the many men and women firefighters and police from multiple counties as well as armed forces who have come to Sonoma County to selflessly help fight these wildfires.

● Monday evening there was no place to eat, all the restaurants were closed. We found Outback Steakhouse in Rohnert Park open with just 1 waiter who had decided to come in on his day off and help serve those he knew would be in need.  He was smiling and so were we!

● For a while we could not find a grocery store that was open.  We finally discovered Safeway on 4th Street open.  We were told by the wonderful clerks who decided to work that the Manager’s house burned down and at 2:00 am he brought his wife and kids to the store.  He then called as many clerks in as would come and opened up for the crowd outside in the parking lot.  Many Heroes there!

● Tuesday morning we needed a place to eat for breakfast.  We finally found IHOP open, with only 1 cook, who had decided to come in and help, despite the loss and devastation of the fire.

Again, we are open and working to keep getting loans funded and escrows closed.

To Our Home Town Heroes – Thank You!!!!

“The Guy In The White Hat – Your Hard Money Lender”. Broker and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate, family owned and operated in Sonoma County California since 1988.