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Why Invest in California Trust Deeds?

2022 05 msr 1 The short answer to that question is wouldn’t you want your investment money to gain upwards of 12% or more interest? There are very few stocks or bonds these days paying such handsome interest.The short answer to that question is wouldn’t you want your investment money to gain upwards of 12% or more interest? There are very few stocks or bonds these days paying such handsome interest.

What are trust deeds? Trust deeds (mortgages) are investments in a loan, secured by real estate, directly to the borrower. Rather than putting your money in a bank and having the bank make the real estate loan, private investors actually make the loan directly. The trust deed investment business is huge in California.

There are two ways to invest in trust deeds: One is through a mortgage fund (like a mutual fund), the other is by investing directly in trust deeds through a licensed mortgage broker.

With a hard-money mortgage fund, also known as private money, you are investing with many other shareholders in real estate for which you do not need to be directly responsible.  Sounds good, right? Except, that just about every hard money mortgage fund in history has failed horribly during the regular real estate crashes that seem to hit every ten to fourteen years.

Sun Pacific Mortgage has been in the trust deed business in California for over 35 years. Our investors finance trust deeds directly through a legitimate mortgage broker. In this case, once the borrower and property are vetted and equity determined, the investor is directly lending to the actual borrower on a specific piece of property.

Then you make the monthly return on investment as the borrower makes their payments.  If you are interested in participating in such an investment, reach out to Sun Pacific Mortgage via their website at www.Sunpacificmortgage.com or by phone at 707-523-2099 to find out more.

Broker and Co-Owner of family owned and operated Hard Money company, Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate "California North Bay Hard Money Loans Specialist!"