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Want To Buy a Home But Loan Keeps Getting Turned Down?

bridge loan 1Do you have loan approval issues due to poor credit? Are you self employed with difficult to prove income? Or are you just tired of calling and searching for someone who is licensed and trustworthy to help get you the loan you need or want?
If your answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, then read on!
This is where my alternative finance company can step up. We have been in business for over 28 years and I am a licensed California Broker as well as have a National Mortgage License. We have the experience under our belts and the honesty comes in by being family owned and operated with returning customers again and again, as well as referrals from them, since 1988.
Home prices and values are on the rise, which just means if you are thinking of buying a house, you want to do it sooner than later to keep your monthly mortgage payments from increasing.
This is proven quite simply in a recent Press Democrat article “Q3 Market Summary” by Jonathan Soh, Brokerage Manager of Sotheby’s International Realty Wine Country Brokerage wherein he states in the Santa Rosa Marketing Summary (Single Family Homes), “Average Sales Price increased by 3% from $537,967 in Q3 2014 to $555,438 in Q3 2015…”
Anyone who lives in California, or wants to live in California: Southern CA and Northern CA – yes, this includes Sonoma County, Monterey, Santa Barbara, Napa, San Mateo, Marin, etc. – and is having problems getting a loan, give us a call and see how we can help!
Still want proof we can help? Check our what our past borrowers and real estate agents we’ve work with have to say: https://www.sunpacificmortgage.com//all-testimonials/
It can’t hurt to call us at 707-523-2099 and find out what hard money loan programs we have to match your real estate scenario.

Best, Broker – The Guy in the White Hat
Hard Money Broker and Owner at family owned & operated Sun Pacific Mortgage and Real Estate, Serving all of California Since 1988! CA Bur Real Estate ID #01000559. NMLS ID #289456

Statistics, Statistics, Statistics

By Owner



I debated in high school and then went to Loan Originatorzona State University on a tuition scholarship for debate. Not too long into my college debate team tenure, I discovered concurrently, the girls dormitory housing 1,500 suntanned beauties, 7 oz. beers 6 for a buck, and the pool life around Lemon Grove Terrace – among other things. So much for the debate team.

But from all those years of competition one thing did become clear and that was that statistics require scrutiny. They also need to be compared to other statistics to have any real meaning. Even more important is to look at who was giving forth the statistic and the source of the statistic. You probably innately know this, maybe you don’t. But in these trying economic times people the world over need to be reminded to think for themselves and not blindly trust what we are being told. Bad news and even worse headlines sell newspapers and draw us to news shows on television, radio and the internet. This is in spite of the fact there is good news buried under the headlines. It is commonly known that bad news sells newspapers.

This is really all that is holding down housing right now – the preponderance of bad news. It is really all that is hampering business expansion leading to the current unemployment rate. I have heard it called a lack of confidence. People are beat up about the bad news, the publishing of “bad” statistics. The real drag on the economy is that people get so beat up by bad news they feel like they can’t do anything about it – lack of confidence.

Can you have another viewpoint though? I mean can you subtly change your thinking just slightly?

America isn’t going to dry up and disappear. It will recover from the current mess. Don’t you truly believe that? I do. I mean I’m not done with supporting my family, I’m gonna go camping again and fishing and golfing, and buying clothes and going to church and paying taxes and eating right and eating badly and working my b___ off for all of this. That’s what I’m going to do. And I’m going to go about it confidently and with good cheer because it does not accomplish anything to be other than that. And I’m going to see headlines and statistics and hear news that I’m going to take with a grain of salt because I know their stated purpose is to put forth bad news. So I’m not going to let it affect me one little bit.

My initial purpose for writing this article was to motivate buyers to get out there and buy right now because the statistics I view as a mortgage broker and real estate broker all point to BUY NOW. Get your confidence back in America. That is simply your decision. And the next time you see a bad headline just know that they are probably all bad headlines with the worst statistics. It sells newspapers.

Owner is a CA DRE Broker with over 23 years experience in real estate and lending. His number is (707) 523-2099. See website @ sunpacmortgage.com.

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY The truth about Real Estate & Loan Agents

 The purpose of this article is twofold: 1. To encourage Buyers to find an agent who will competently represent them in the purchase of a home and 2. To be prepared to dump any agent who demonstrates anything but number 1. I know this article will ruffle some feathers, but who will it ruffle? There is an inherent flaw to the current traditional means of selling a home. The flaw is that the listing agent and the selling agent do not get paid unless the home sells! So the worst thing about the current home selling method is also the best thing about the current home selling system – it gets people into homes because everyone wants it to happen! The seller wants to take the money and move on. The Buyer wants a new home.

The listing agent and the buyer’s agent (sometimes they are one and the same) desire to be paid for their efforts and also want the seller to accomplish his stated goal and the buyer to get into the home. The above is the ideal scene, of course. But here we are on planet earth, the site of Murphy’s Law – simply stated “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” After 23 years of real estate sales and lending, I’ve learned just that. Especially overseeing an office of 16 loan agents, 7 real estate agents and all the necessary support staff during the heydays of the market in Northern California. For 50 to 70 hours a week, my job was to train these folks and then “oversee” their transactions. “Oversee” really meant MAKE SURE THEY GOT DONE and a lot of the job was simply cleaning up the messes that really were the result of a lack of experience or honest desire to help.

I always preached to my agents that there were really no “problems” in a real estate or loan transaction, just items that had to be checked off a list. I assure you though, that if an agent did not have an honest desire to push through the transaction and well communicate whatever necessary to all involved parties, well, here came the problem(s)! One thing that I know with certainty from all these years of being in the business, is that when someone came to me to help them buy a home, they wanted to buy a home – NOW. When someone came to me to refinance a loan, they wanted to refinance their loan – NOW. So the job really became finding the easiest, quickest path to that stated target on their behalf. True professionals accomplish just that. The truth is “professional” in a lot of circumstances has nothing to do with years of experience.

It is really more of a viewpoint to get the thing done in spite of barriers that will come up. You want to avoid Buyer’s agents who are adversarial in their approach to the purchase. It is not rock ‘em sock ‘em robots. You want to buy and the seller wants to sell. How do you get a meeting of the minds in a boxing match? This comes in varying degrees too. How about the real estate agent who counsels you to back out of a contract because the seller won’t pay for the home warranty? OK, maybe that’s an exaggeration but you get the point. Avoid agents who are alarmists. To them everything is a problem and a big deal. Here is an example of an alarmist: You see some mold in a home you are viewing and the agent makes it out to be a huge big deal. Maybe it is maybe it isn’t. As I mention above, it’s just something to be checked off a list. The alarmist will try to stop your progress towards this purchase because of the mold.

A true professional would move the purchase along and do the reports necessary to have the appropriate professional, who knows mold, tell you it’s a problem or not. I could go on and on along these lines to include agents who will not communicate or answer your questions, those who are always late or no-show’s for appointments, agents who reschedule everything, those that are negative, have steered you wrong, those that continually bad-mouth others, are opinionated, agents who are just out for the money and not to honestly help, etc. People innately know professionalism when they see it.

You should demand that for yourself in the most expensive purchase you will make in your life.

Owner- the Guy in the White Hat – is a CA DRE Broker with more than 23 years of experience in real estate and lending. His phone number is (707) 523-2099. Email is Broker@sunpacmortgage.com. See website @ www.sunpacmortgage.com.