Even Federal Chair, Jerome Powell, went so far as to call it a “difficult correction.”
While the speed and breadth of the slowdown have some Americans worried about a repeat of the 2008 housing bust, John Paulson, the hedge funder who famously pocketed $4 billion betting against the U.S. housing market in 2008, is among those who believe history isn’t repeating itself.
Paulson believes that the underlying quality of the mortgage industry today is far superior to the subprime mortgages that flooded the market in 2008. Thanks to the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the stability of the U.S. financial system and the quality of our mortgages is ensured.
As a result of this act (CFPB), banks and financial firms are not highly leveraged. This phenomenon would be seen as unacceptable in today’s market and this law prevents banks from making specific types of risky investments.
At Sun Pacific Mortgage, we adhere to the Dodd-Frank regulations. Any loan is thoroughly screened and only those who have sufficient equity and proof of the ability to repay the loan get presented to our team of Investors.
If you are looking for a profitable return on your investments in these uncertain times, give Sun Pacific a call at 707-523-2099 to discuss becoming part of our team of private investors, or visit our website at www.sunpacificmortgage.com. We have been engaged in private lending to Californians for 34 years and are one of the only private lending companies that still offer owner-occupied, consumer purpose mortgages.