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What is a Housing Market Correction?

housing correction Crash, Bubble, Correction; these are all phrases you will hear tossed around when it comes to real estate. More popular in recent months is the term “correction.”  Most real estate experts are describing the present condition of our market today as a housing market correction.

Crash, Bubble, Correction; these are all phrases you will hear tossed around when it comes to real estate. More popular in recent months is the term “correction.”  Most real estate experts are describing the present condition of our market today as a housing market correction.

While there is no official definition of what makes a housing market correction, it is generally described as a condition when homes get too expensive, or consumers can no longer afford them. At that time buyers stop purchasing real estate and the market must adjust to spur buying activity once again. Much like the old adage, “What goes up, must come down.”

A housing market correction is when home prices experience a moderate decline following a period of rapid growth. The purpose of a correction is to naturally adjust prices in line with affordability, demand, and supply, thus restoring a more sustainable and balanced state to the market. The length of time the market remains in this correction condition may be anywhere from a few months to a year or more.

A housing market correction and a housing crash are not the same thing. With a correction, things are simply coming back into balance. Prices may fall slightly, whereas in a crash, prices fall more significantly and usually unexpectedly.

It is expected that there will be a mild price softness through the end of this year. This is described as a 0.6% dip in the typical sales price in 2023 compared to 2022.

Because of the limited housing supply, we may not see substantial home price declines even though affordability is far below recent norms.

If you or a client are hoping to purchase or refinance during this correction phase, but can’t qualify for a conventional loan, Sun Pacific Mortgage is here to help with a privately funded loan. Simply give us a call at 707-523-2099 or find us at www.sunpacificmortgage.com.

Looking to Improve Your Home’s Value?

Looking to Improve Your Home’s Value

Are your toying with the idea of selling or staying in your home?  Whatever you decide, increasing the value of your home is a win-win.  Some improvements you can make will add to the beauty of your home, while others will make it more efficient or more comfortable.  Whether you want to build equity in your home or sell it for top dollar, there are plenty of home improvement projects that are worth considering.

  • CLEAN AND DECLUTTER:  Deep cleaning and decluttering can add as much as $4000 to your resale value according to a 2019 survey from HomeLight.  Even if you are not moving, this exercise will help decrease stress in your life by providing more organization and simplifying your life.
  • MAKE YOUR HOME MORE EFFICIENT:  An inexpensive way to improve efficiency and save money is to install a smart thermostat.  If you are tech-savvy, you can even control your home’s temperature from your phone while you are away.
  • FRESH PAINT AND FLOORING:  An inexpensive way to update and freshen up your interior and exterior is with a coat of paint.  Everyone loves newer carpeting and fresh paint. Most home buyers are looking for a turnkey home so they can just unpack their boxes and settle in without the hassle of renovating.  And if you are staying in your home, these simple upgrades will make you love your home even more!
  • UPGRADE DOORS:  Replacing your front door will do wonders to the overall curb appeal of your home.  Replacing interior doors or just painting and replacing the hinges and doorknobs can add freshness to your home.  Since the front of your home is the first thing a prospective buyer will notice, a new garage door is a great idea.  Garage doors take up the most amount of space on the front of your home, so installing an interesting take of the usual garage door could bring in more buyers and please your neighbors, too.
  • ADDING USUABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE:  This makes a lot of financial sense since the value of your home is based on livable square feet.  Adding a bathroom, a great room or an additional bedroom can greatly increase both the function and value.   A “Granny Unit” is another valuable addition that can become a possible income source as well as add value.

Your next question may be “How will I finance these home improvements?” 

One of the financing options available to homeowners who want a fast cash, have less than stellar credit or difficulty proving income, is a Hard Money loan – also known as Private Money and Alternative Financing.

Sun Pacific Mortgage has been coming to the aid of this demographic for over 3 decades.  We have helped thousands of clients who would otherwise have been left without the means to make improvements or to invest in real estate.  If you are interested in pursuing a loan from us, please give us a call at 707-523-2099 or check us out on our website at www.Sunpacificmortgage.com

See entire article:  https://www.bankrate.com/loans/home-improvement/cheap-fixes-to-boost-the-value-of-your-home/?utm_source=Pushly

Winter Brings Out The Serious Buyers

Winter Brings Out The Serious Buyers

If someone is out looking for homes in the winter season, it is usually a sign that they mean business.  So how do you, as the Seller, take advantage of this available market?

Start by making sure that the exterior of you home is as warm and inviting as the interior.  Bare trees make for a more exposed home, so freshen up the outside of your home by keeping the gutters clean and sprucing up the yard.  Keep those leaves raked and the lawn alive.

Price your home to sell.  Rather than gradually making small price reductions, which could make you look desperate, get with your local & experienced Realtor and properly price your home before you list.  This strategy encourages multiple offers! It’s far better to have your buyers competing over your property than having you going back-and-forth over the purchase price, with your prospective buyer.

Remove most or all (if possible) of your personal décor.  Staging is one time when the maxim “less is more” should be the watch word.  If your living room area is a small space, arrange your furniture so that there is ample room to maneuver through and around the room.  Group your furniture into conversational zones to make your home feel cozy and inviting. Don’t be stingy with the heat during showings.  A warm, pleasant smelling house can go a long way toward influencing your prospective buyers. Crank up the heat, bake some yummy cookies, play soft music, burn scented candles, etc. to set an ambiance that makes your buyer want to move in.

As “Winter Sellers” you enjoy an enthusiastic audience with “Winter Buyers”. These prospective clients would not be trudging around in the rain, cold and wind if they were not ready and willing to make an offer on the right property!  Make your home the property they want by listing now and following the suggestions above on presenting your home in the best possible winter light.

Hope this helps get you that fast sale!

Help Your Client Take the First Step Toward Homeownership

brokershardmoney As Lenders or Brokers you often come across a client who is on the brink of qualifying for a conventional loan, but can’t quite make the grade.  That’s the time for a call to Sun Pacific Mortgage, the premier Hard Money Lender in California, offering such loans since 1988!

As Lenders or Brokers you often come across a client who is on the brink of qualifying for a conventional loan, but can’t quite make the grade.  That’s the time for a call to Sun Pacific Mortgage, the premier Hard Money Lender in California, offering such loans since 1988!

If we can get your client into a home with one of our programs, when they are ready to pay off that loan, they will fondly remember your efforts to get them into their home in the first place.  That’s when you have a grateful client returning to you for their qualifying conventional loan.

In our 30+ years of working with referring Lenders in California, we have witnessed countless times the benefits of this arrangement to both the Lender and the Borrower.  Generally our Hard Money loans come due between one and three years, allowing the Borrower to resolve their issues that originally prevented them from obtaining a loan from you.

If you want another avenue to enhance your client relations, a Hard Money resource is a great option.  Give us a call at 707-523-2099 with your scenarios and we will be happy to help you find a solution for your client!

Skillful Summer Success

surfingken A Realtor called me regarding a home loan that her client was having difficulty getting approved. The buyer wanted to purchase a new home in Orange County and needed a jumbo loan of $875K.  Partially using equity from his existing house, he was coming in with 50% of the purchase price, made good income and had good credit.  The property was under construction and, therefore, did not qualify for other loan programs.

Owner Occupied Bridge/Temporary Loan
San Juan Capistrano, California

A Realtor called me regarding a home loan that her client was having difficulty getting approved. The buyer wanted to purchase a new home in Orange County and needed a jumbo loan of $875K.  Partially using equity from his existing house, he was coming in with 50% of the purchase price, made good income and had good credit.  The property was under construction and, therefore, did not qualify for other loan programs.

This is where I came in with our Hard Money lending.  This type of loan is not a disqualification or a turn-off for any of our private investors.  The home buyer intended to complete the construction and would refinance once it qualified for traditional financing.

With such a positive loan to value and the Borrower’s other great qualifications, I had this loan approved and funded in no time.  Both the Realtor and buyer were extremely happy when this transaction closed in under 3 weeks!

If you or someone you know is having difficulty with loan approval for a purchase or even a refinance, call me at 707-523-2099.  I would be more than happy to let you know how we can help with a Hard Money loan.

Are You Ready To Spring Into Some Real Estate Action?

re We have all noted and experienced the tightness of the real estate market over the past several months.  But just as a tightly wound spring can leap forward at any moment, the real estate market is preparing to take such a leap.  I’m sure we all want to be ready for the opportunities that lie ahead.  

We have all noted and experienced the tightness of the real estate market over the past several months.  But just as a tightly wound spring can leap forward at any moment, the real estate market is preparing to take such a leap.  I’m sure we all want to be ready for the opportunities that lie ahead.  

One of the available options that allow us to pounce on any real estate prospect that pops up is a Hard Money Loan.  Because these loans can be wrapped up in as little as 2 weeks and are often considered as “cash offers”, Hard Money loans offer the flexibility and speed that is needed in a swiftly moving market.  

Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate has been in the business of Hard Money Loans in California for more than 29 years.  We have a proven record of supporting and executing transactions that looked doomed, needed some fast financing or just wanted the purchase offer to be stronger.

Give us at 707-523-2099 call to find out how we can help you or someone you know!

Make the Winning Offer


Make the Winning Offer

Who doesn’t want to know how to beat out the other purchase contracts in today’s multiple offers and lower inventory markets, and buy that house!

There was a really good article in the Wall Street Journal recently about Hard Money loans.  It was informational to borrowers and investors alike.  It spoke of the fact that Hard Money loans will account for 1% of the 5.5 million home loans originated this year, up sharply from prior years.

It mentioned “Hard Money” filling an important void.  Look at just a few instances:


  1. You are 1 of 12 different offers with a highest-and-best counter, on a house you really want to live buy.  You have the ability to put down 30% of the purchase price and get pre-approved for a hard money loan with a quick call to a good local Hard Money Lender.  You remove loan contingencies, increase your earnest deposit and make a 15 day closing date and your offer gets accepted!  Now this is a scenario where you win and Hard Money can fund that loan!
  2. You just did a short sale on your home and want to buy another one.  Your favorite bank won’t even talk to you.  You know that prices are at rock bottom and you can buy the same home that you bought 5 years ago for $400,000 now priced at $250,000!  Hard Money can fund that loan!
  3. You lost your job and your credit is shot.  You now are back to work making the same money and you want to buy a house.  You’ve got 30% down.  No bank will touch you as your FICO score is 525.  Hard Money can fund that loan!


The Wall Street Journal article further states that the fees and rates are no doubt higher than a bank, but it is well worth it as “no bank is willing to listen.”

The real gist of this article is to not give up about buying a home; It just takes a strong and strategic offer to beat out all the others, despite not being the one with the most cash!

Even at Hard Money rates (some of which I’ve gotten funded as low as 9%)  its worth it because you’d be getting in at the bottom of the market and down the road could refinance to a 30-year fixed rate loan once qualified again.   Your gain from buying at the right time can offset the cost using Hard Money.

Take advantage of a Hard Money loan or help your potential Buyers succeed at getting into a new home by directing them to such versatile financing!

CREDIT – The Bane of Home Loan Approvals


CREDIT – The Bane of Home Loan Approvals

This aspect of qualifying for a home loan boils down to good credit versus bad credit.

The lenders left in the mortgage market arena, let’s call them institutional lenders, the ones that are offering the 30 year mortgages at historic low rates, require good credit (among other things).

Hard Money lenders allow bad credit. Institutional lenders will make you wait years after you have a bankruptcy, foreclosure or short sale before they will lend to you.

Hard money lenders will loan to you immediately after any of those events and even while you are going through them!

Same with recent credit problems including 30, 60, 90, 120 day lates, judgments and/or collection accounts.  Institutional lenders hate these.  Private money lenders can do a loan in spite of these.

Hard money lenders generally require just 2 things:

  1. Equity or a good down payment and
  2. Ability to repay the loan.


Look at the important role played by Hard Money:  Guy has a free and clear property.  He fell on some misfortune and his credit was damaged.  He makes plenty of money and he has no house payment.  He goes to his favorite bank where he’s been for 25 years.  Loan denied due to bad credit.  He calls a loan officer friend who works for a bigger bank who tells him he’s out of luck due to bad credit and to come see him in a couple of years.

This guy has a free and clear property and none of the institutional lenders will lend to him due to bad credit.   A Hard Money broker will do this loan!  There is equity and ability to repay.

Let’s say you have a happy couple who make good income and have saved up enough for a decent downn payment to buy a house.  They filed bankruptcy a year earlier which included a short sale so no bank will help them out.  Yet a Hard Money broker will do this loan as they have decent down payment and ability to repay!

This handles the credit aspect of a loan.  Give me a call today and let me help you and your Buyer(s).

How Can I Get A Home Loan?

Out of the Ashes…


by CA Broker, Owner

Out of the Ashes…
I have empirical evidence of the real estate market recovery. Statistics I monitor that have seen a dramatic turn recently. It has me more excited about the recovery than housing sales.
My Past Borrowers are buying houses, and they are using Hard Money to do it. And it’s logical that they would.

Picture this, my office did over 400 loans annually up to 2005 when the market tanked. The average Borrower up until 2005 borrowed 80% of the value of their home. A lot of them got a “free” home equity line of credit to boot as the lenders were giving those out like it was Halloween candy!

Then values were slashed in half in Sonoma County where I live. The median priced home in August 2005 was $619,000 and it dumped all the way down to a median of $305,000 last year. In outlying counties, the drop was as much as 66%.

So anyone who borrowed to 80% of the value of their home and then saw a 50% decline in value, has been foreclosed upon, did a short sale or is hanging in there hoping that values might recover to their former glory.
It was a deal killer for my business because in the pre-debacle days, the biggest quantity of loans in my company came from Past Borrowers, that is past clients. In second place were Referrals from Past Borrowers. That source of business virtually went away from 2005 until only very recently.

Over 50% of the loans written in my office this month are Past Borrowers. That’s way up from 0%. Now that’s a recovery!

And it’s because of Hard Money. Every one of those Past Borrowers has either a foreclosure or a short sale – or both in their recent credit history. Many have a recent bankruptcy. Not even their favorite bank will loan to them. Hard Money will. With a good down payment or equity in the property and an ability to make the monthly payments, I can do that loan.


Owner- the Guy in the White Hat – is a CA DRE Broker with more than 24 years of experience in real estate and lending.  His phone number is (707) 523-2099.  Email is Broker@sunpacmortgage.com.  See newly designed website @ www.sunpacmortgage.com.  DRE license #01464899. NMLS #360993. 

The Winning House Bid – You Get the Deal

The Winning Bid


It looks like the various predictions that 2012 will be the best year in Real Estate since 2006, are coming true.

The statistics bear this out for sure, but a more telling phenomena is the dreaded bidding war.  That is a listing that receives multiple offers.  These happen with frequency in a market with not emough homes and too many eager Buyers.  It also happens on really desirable properties.  Of course this is great for the Seller of that property and the values for that area, but only 1 Buyer will take home the prize.  The losing bidders will have to go find another one.  I have personally seen a Buyer from my office recently compete with 34 other offers on a property.

He had the Winning Bid.

What set his offer apart, as far as we can tell, is the fact that he was purchasing with Hard Money.

The listing agent knew that the Hard Money Pre-Approval for that Buyer meant that the lender was ready to go with this loan.  He knew that the property would not likely be a problem to the lender, as Hard Money will do really ugly properties, and this one was not that bad.  He also knew that it would be fast as the contract offered a close of escrow in 21 days or less.

So the Buyer made the offer using Hard Money with a 21 days or less close of escrow and all contingencies removed in 10 days instead of the default of 17 days. This was an offer the listing agent could really get behind and it was the Winning Bid – out of 34 others!

So if you are feeling beat up after making offer after offer to no avail, get to your local Hard Money Lender, get Pre-Approved and go write a Winning Bid!

Owner- the Guy in the White Hat – is a CA DRE Broker with more than 24 years of experience in real estate and lending.  His phone number is (707) 523-2099.  Email is Broker@sunpacmortgage.com.  See newly designed website @ www.sunpacmortgage.com.  DRE license #01464899. NMLS #360993. 

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