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Recently Funded – Growing In Popularity


Ever-Growing Popularity For This Financing

Last year our family of borrowers grew to more than 10,000!  Many of these new clients were referrals from our trusted army of referring Realtors, Lenders and Mortgage Brokers who turned to us for assistance in getting their home buyers and borrowers the financing they needed.

“You have no idea how happy you made this client. Distressed situations are never easy, but you really did make it as quick and easy as possible. (And this was not an easy transaction so THANK YOU!)  More to come!” – Lender, Elise B.

We look forward to helping you or someone you know with our alternative financing, also known as Hard Money. Call Us at 707-523-2099 and we will get back to you quickly!

Recently Funded

Location: Concord, Contra Costa County
Finance Program: Business Purpose Primary Residence Cash-Out
Loan Size: $325,000 with 57% LTV
Days To Finish: 24
Why Needed Us: Had short sale and bankruptcy in past, stopping him from qualifying with other conventional lenders. 

Location:  Diamond Springs, Eldorado County
Finance Program: Investment Property Purchase
Loan Size: $1,050,000 with 40% LTV
Days To Finish: 21
Why Needed Us: Condition of property was making it difficult for other financing. 

Location:  Rancho Santa Margareta, Orange County
Finance Program: Primary Residence Temporary Financing
Loan Size: $460,000 with 63% LTV
Days To Finish: 14
Why Needed Us: Self employed with difficult to prove income. 

Location:  Napa, Napa County
Finance Program: Primary Residence Refinance with Cash-Out
Loan Size: $350,000 with 58% LTV
Days To Finish: 19
Why Needed Us: Needed fast cash for business purpose use. 

Location:  Santa Rosa, Sonoma County
Finance Program: Investment Property Refinance
Loan Size: $508,000 with 64% LTV
Days To Finish: 26
Why Needed Us: Poor credit

“The Guy In The White Hat – Your Hard Money Lender”. Broker and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate, family owned and operated in Sonoma County California since 1988.