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How “The Guy In The White Hat” Came To Be

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Hi. My name is Owner and I am the proud Co-owner and Broker of Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate since 1988 – established in Sonoma County, CA!

Thought I’d tell you a bit about myself as my kids have nagged at me to let people know my interesting life history up to now…they say it answers why I came to be a Broker, taking a sincere interest in helping others. So here I go:

I was born in 1957 in Irumagawa, Japan at the Johnson Air Force Base. I have 7 siblings – with 2 sets of twins – so I had my hands full helping out as the eldest!

As my father was in the Air Force, we travelled a lot. One can say I was a military brat until 1972 when my Dad retired at Williams Air Force Base outside of Chandler, Loan Originatorzona. We had moved back and forth, living in Illinois, Japan and finally settled down in Loan Originatorzona.

My Mother was a teacher at the Catholic Grade school I attended and she was my teacher through my 7th and 8th grades for English, art and music.


I graduated Chandler High School in 1975 and I lettered in football, wrestling and believe it or not, in Debate!

I also must mention my 7 proud years of newspaper delivery of “The Phoenix Gazette” and the Sunday morning paper “The Loan Originatorzona Republic” every single day! I was paperboy of the month several times out of hundreds of carriers and also paperboy of the year. Guess you could say I liked to excel at everything I put my mind to!

After College I went to Loan Originatorzona State University on a debate scholarship. Graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business and Public Administration in 1982 and also joined the national social fraternity Phi Sigma Kappa.

I moved to La Jolla, California and did first year’s law studies at Western State University College of Law where I met my lovely future spouse and co-owner, Lynn. We married in 1987 and chose to move to Santa Rosa, CA. in December of 1987 because they had a law school with a night program as well as how beautiful it was here.

Our daughter, Megan, was born January 30, 1989 and happily joined our family of Lynn’s two sons of her previous marriage: Broker 7 and Phillip 3.

We opened Sun Harbor Mortgage on January 11, 1988 which was a branch of a San Diego Mortgage company. Since we had a true personal desire to help others in this county with honest financial services, we bought them out in June 1990 and changed the name to Sun Pacific Mortgage which has since evolved in 2004 to Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate as we offer both real estate and mortgage/lending services!

Throughout my tenure as the Broker, I worked diligently to deliver the best service to all our customers and received the prestigious Model-Of-Admin-Know-How Award from WISE International for 10 consecutive years, beginning in 1997.

I take pleasure in working hard to help others during the week and on weekends enjoy fishing, gardening and golf – as well as a variety of other activities including spending joyful time with my 1st grandson, Braden, who was born July 2009.

Having helped literally thousands of customers, I continue to strive to deliver the most honest and friendly service to all Borrowers, Buyers, Agents, Brokers, Investors and other affiliates I am in contact with on a regular basis. I enjoy what I do and am sincerely happy to help in any way I can.

I look forward to doing the same for you!

Feel free to call me up at 707/523-2099 for a free consultation, ask any question you have about mortgages, lending or real estate, to refer a friend or family member in need of my services or to get help yourself!

My website is regularly updated with timely information, tips, articles and videos about the current market of real estate and lending so take a moment to check it out: https://www.sunpacificmortgage.com//. You can also sign up there to receive emails and videos with timely information about the real estate and mortgage and lending markets.



“The Guy In The White Hat – Your Hard Money Lender”. Broker and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate, family owned and operated in Sonoma County California since 1988.

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