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Hard Money Loan of the Month – November


By Broker, Lead Loan Originator

Just the other week a couple called needing a loan to buy their houses out of a Family Trust.  There were family disputes occurring and this needed to occur fast otherwise they would be forced to sell the houses.

They were unable to get a conventional loan due to unpaid tax liens against their businesses and difficult to prove income due to being self employed.

The loan amount needed was $475,000 against two separate properties in Sebastopol, California.

Within five days all needed items were received and we had loan approval!  As this was a low loan-to-value (40%) we were able to get this approved with an interest rate of only 8% (hard money averages 9-12% interest).

We specialize in loans that have been turned down elsewhere and one of our favorite mottos is “If we say it can be done, we’ll get it done!”

Call our office at 707-523-2099 if you need some creative financing help for your real estate purchase or refinance.

Broker and Co-Owner of family owned and operated Hard Money company, Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate "California North Bay Hard Money Loans Specialist!"