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Four Things Parents Should Consider Before Buying a Home

Four Things Parents Should Consider Before Buying a Home

Parents shopping for a home have different considerations than other demographics.  As parents, their primary concern is the safety and well-being of their children, at the same time, they are also concerned with the happiness of the entire family.  

Most buyers start their home search with a list of “must-haves”.  When children are a concern, there are some additional factors to be considered.  While they may seem obvious, it is tempting to forget them when under pressure to find a home quickly, or when you discover a fantastic feature in a home that you “can’t live without”.  The following are some of suggestions to keep in mind as you look for your next family nest:

  1. Placement of the bedrooms:  Depending on the age of the children, you might want them on the same floor as your master bedroom, or if you have older children, you might opt for more separation.
  2. Yard placement:  Most parents want the visibility to observe their children at play in the yard.
  3. Walking distance to amenities:  Life will be easier if you can avoid or shorten car trips to deliver children to their activities and their schools.
  4. Neighbors:  This is a vital part of any parent’s concern.  It makes sense to check out the neighbors who live nearby.  There are helpful websites to access, like Megan’s Law, and simply meeting the neighbors before purchasing, may be reassuring.

When all is said and done, life will be less stressful after the move if these considerations are part of the decision making.

“The Guy In The White Hat – Your Hard Money Lender”. Broker and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate, family owned and operated in Sonoma County California since 1988.