Saddle Up For Fast Private Money Loans!
Quick Financing by the Fastest Funders in the West! Saddle up and take advantage of the SPEED that Sun Pacific has to offer:
- Fast Closes: 10 days or less
- Turned Down Elsewhere – We Can Help
- Trusted by over 10,000 Borrowers
- Family Owned & Operated for 35 years
Loan of the Week
Program: Investment Property Refinance
Loan Size: 995k
Location: Monterey County
Days To Close: 9 Days
Reason Came To Us: Borrower came to us as after Underwriting withdrew their loan approval shortly before they were to sign their refinance. There was some issue with proof of income and the Borrower was mid construction on a house and needed fast financing to complete the project. We quickly got his loan approved and funded in just 9 days.
If you or someone you know needs fast financing or you’re having difficulty proving income or otherwise turned down, we have the answer. Our Private Money programs make it easy to get that loan done and make you happy! Give us a call at 707-523-2099 or email us with your scenario to see how we can help.