Easy Loan Approval With Hard Money!
Breaking News: Are you running into difficulties with loan approval because your client is self-employed, has difficult-to-prove income, poor credit, needs fast cash or being turned down for some other reason?
Our Hard Money loan programs do not have any new regulations. We have the same main 2 qualifications for over 30 years now:
1. Good equity and 2. Ability to repay (source of income).
That’s basically it. Easy! Call today 707-523-2099. We’ll quickly let you know what we can do to help you and/or your client!
Recently Approved & Funded
Loan Program: Non-Owner-Occupied Refinance
Loan Size: $1,0250,000
Days to Finish: 22
Location: Santa Rosa, Sonoma County
Why Came To Us: Property was mid construction so didn’t qualify for other financing.
Loan Program: Investment Property refinance
Loan Size: $320,000
Location: Santa Clarita, Los Angeles County
Days to Close: 16
Why Came To Us: Had difficult to prove income as was self-employed.
Loan Program: Owner-Occupied Temporary Refinance
Loan Size: $540,000
Days to Finish: 22
Location: Oakland, Alameda County
Why Came To Us: Poor credit and wanted to consolidate debts to improve this.
Loan Program: Primary Property Refinance
Loan Size: $560,000
Location: Truckee, Nevada County
Days to Close: 24
Why Came To Us: Needed fast cash as down payment on an investment property.